Rent Brand New Apartments in Saranda. You will find in the apartment all equipments necessary for a wonderful holiday break. Located at the edge of Ionian sea, this apartment represents the best of holiday homes in Saranda. Living area, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and three balcony with sea view.
Karakteristika te Apartamentit me Qera ne Sarande:
- Siperfaqe - 100 m2
- Apartament i pozicionuar ne katin e katert
- 2 dhoma gjumi
- 1 banjo e kompletuar
- Totalisht e mobiluar
- Pamje deti nga dhomat e gjumit dhe dhoma e dites
- Njesi A/C
- Kuzhine e kompletuar
- Vetem 30 metra nga deti
- 200 metra larg nga qendra e qytetit
- I pershtatshem per 6 persona
Daily Prices:
- 01.01 - 31.05............56 Euro/Night
- 01.06 - 10.06............66 Euro/Night
- 11.06 - 30.06............90 Euro/Night
- 01.07 - 31.08............110 Euro/Night
- 01.09 - 10.09............90 Euro/Night
- 11.09 - 30.09............66 Euro/Night
- 01.10 - 31.12............56 Euro/Night