Apartament 1+1 Per Shitje Tek Lura 5 Resort Ne Gjirin E Lalzit. Kjo zone eshte e njohur per brigjet e saj te virgjera dhe shume te bukura. Me pak se 45 minuta nga Aeroporti Nderkombetar i Tiranes. Resorti ku ndodhet apartamenti ne shitje, eshte pozicionuar ne menyre te tille qe te rrise popullaritetin dhe rendesine nderkombetare. Ky apartament eshte nje investim i zgjuar duke ditur rritjen e kerkesave sidomos te europianeve per te investuar apo kaluar pushimet ne fshatin e bukur turistik te Gjirit te Lalzit. Ofron mundesine e te pasurit nje pishine ne kopshtin e perparme me nje kosto extra, ne varesi te kerkeses se pronarit.
One Bedroom Apartment For Sale
Lura 5 Resort is located in the Adriatic Coast of Albania, in the touristic village of Gjiri i Lalzit. The main purpose of this project is to keep and conserve the vibrant and virgin nature as much as possible while proposing an outstanding and alluring new tourist development. The conserved pine trees set a natural and tranquil atmosphere as they act like green umbrellas engaged in a dialogue with buildings.
The residential part of the project consists of two different typologies; the townhouses with heights varying from 1-4 floors that are made up of different housing units and the detached villas with big private gardens. The town-house units range from 20 - 50 m in length and are fragmented & rotated according to the locations of the existing trees and roads. They also scale down as they go up, which allows for all the units to have big private outdoor terraces.
The fragmented design language which was also a part of the general approach was enriched with the use of a natural and textured material palette. Natural stone, timber, earthy shades of textured plaster and exposed concrete are the main materials of this palette with their various colors and texture.