Real estate more than any other sector is all about people. We believe the key to our success has been the personal relations that we have developed over the years with our clients.
In order to achieve the best results at this, you really need the best people and that is exaclty what Albania Property Group has brought toether. Our skilful people of Property Managers and Agents work with the objective to to maintain a high standard of services whitch Albania Property Group has been offering for the past 10 years.
1. Specialised Property Management Team
our dedicated department is 100% focused on Property Management
2. Maximising your Rental Returns
rent levels are constantly monitored by our team and when required rental reviews are initiated to ensure your property receives maximum returns
3. Direct Access to prospective Tenants
our experienced and full time leasing consultants can access our database of qualified prospective tenants, who are ready to rent properties today
properties are also advertised in the local newspaper
4. Rigorous Tenant Selection
our stringent process cross references applicants to find the best possible tenant for you
we understand it is much better for everyone if the time is taken up front to select the right tenants as a smooth tenancy ensures no delayed payments or property damages
5. Zero Tolerance Delayed Payments
95% of our tenants pay their rent on time
6. Detailed Property Inspections
before tenants moves into your property, our Property Manager records every detail of your property. We photograph it carefully to enable you are not held responsible for any tenant damage.
Copies of our inspection reports are also provided to both you and your tenants.
7. Professional Team
we support our people to embrace new technology, attendfurther education to ensure their ongoing professional development
8. Single Point of Contact
you will be assigned a personal Property Manager who will be the contact with our team
your single point of contact allows direct and quick communication with us, and we find it is an ideal to build long term relationships
9. Innovative New Services
property condition reports are now being done on video and ipad applications
the listing gets associated with a video of your property, taken to maximize the attention of the prospective tenants and make sure they create the right opinion prior to the visit the property
We are so confident in our systems and service that we're prepared to back our expertise with a MONEY BACK GUARANTEE.
If you are not 100% satisfied with our level of property management service in the first three months of our agreement, we will manage your property for the next three months for FREE.
Property Management Customer Service Standards for Landlord Clients
• We will arrive before the time specified for any appointment.
• For any delay created beyond our control, we will ring and advise prior to the agreed appointment time.
Office hours are 8.00 am – 5.00 pm Monday to Friday and 9.00 am- 5.00 pm Saturday
We will respond to:
• telephone messages - within 4 hours
• email - within 4 hours
• mail - within 24 hours.
• When your property is available for lease we will update you with feedback on the leasing at least once per week until leased.
• We will provide all documentation in clear and concise Albanian, and/or English.
• We ensure that all documentation is accurate and complete.
Periodic Inspections
• We carry out periodic inspections every three months after the tenants move in - providing you with a detailed report which includes photographs.
Personal Information
• In accordance with our documented Privacy Policy, all personal information will be held in the strictest confidence and will not be released to a third party without your written authorisation.
• Any updates or corrections to your account with Albania Property Group will be recorded in our system immediately upon us receiving written notification.
Marketing of Rental Properties
• We will erect a “For Lease” sign on the property as soon as the listing is confirmed (subject to any necessary approvals).
• We will place the property on our website within one working day of listing confirmation (subject to photographic requirements).
Professional Standards
• The highest standards of honesty, integrity and professional practice will be conducted in compliance with the Code of Conduct of Albania Property Group, and our property management Policies and Procedures Manual.
Rent Monies
• All monies received by us will be transfered to your bank account within one working day of our monthly close off dates.
Repairs and Maintenance
• All routine repair requests will be attended to within two working days.
• All urgent repairs will be arranged within 4 hours.
• All reasonable steps will be taken to obtain the best pricing for repairs and maintenance.
Tenant Selection
We will screen all information provided to us by prospective tenants
Processing of Tenancy Applications
• Tenancy applications will be thoroughly checked and the outcome communicated to both you and the tenant within 24 hours of receipt.
On receipt of notice, we will:
• Advise you immediately by phone, or email.
• Acknowledge the notice in writing to both you and the tenant.
• Advertise immediately on our website.
• Arrange access for viewings by prospective tenants.
• We will carry out a pre-vacating inspection and advise you of the outcome.
Accounts and Statements
• All authorised property outgoings will be paid on your behalf prior to the due date (subject to the availability of funds).