Magda and Tomek - Poland ★★★★★

Nasza przygoda z Albanią rozpoczęła się w 2015 roku, kiedy to losowo - palcem po mapie wybraliśmy miejsce na wakacje. Padło na Borsh w połudnniowej Albanii. Jak wielu z odwiedzających ten Kraj, dopadła nas "Miłość od pierwszego wejrzenia". Już po kilku dniach pobytu wiedzieliśmy, że zwiążemy się bliżej z tym miejscem na Ziemii. Powodów jest mnóstwo - od widoków, po kuchnię, sprawy ekonomiczne, czy najważniejsze jak dla nas - podejście do życia i ludzi. Już po roku byliśmy z powrotem wybierać miejsce dla siebie w tym wspaniałym Kraju. Tutaj nieoceniona pomoc Albania Property Group. Od początku do końca byli z nami, dbając o bezpieczeństwo transakcji. Nasza współpraca nie zakończyła się tylko i wyłącznie na obsłudze transakcji. Późniejsza pomoc, okazała się beziteresowna i nieoceniona. To ważne, dla ludzi, bez doświadczenia, jeśli chodzi o "sprawy codzienne". Zostaliśmy przyjaciółmi, pomagamy Albania Property Group w tej chwili w obsłudze ludzi z Polski. Dwa mieszkania, na które nakierowało nas Albania Property Groupokazały się strzałem w dziesiątkę. Zarówno pod kątem inwestycji, jak i znalezienia, swojego miejsca na Ziemii. Albania Property Group to przede wszystkim: - uczciwość i rzetelność, - długoletnie doświadczenie i orientacja na rynku nieruchomości na terenie całej Albanii, - partnerskie podejście do biznesu, - bezpieczeństwo i pomoc w prowadzeniu biznesu po zakończeniu transakcji. Magda and Tomek

Sławek i Bogumił - Poland ★★★★★

Właściwie, nie mamy więcej do dodania, niż informacje, zawarte w recenzji Magdy i Tomka. Jesteśmy znajomymi, i po 3 latach "obserwacji" działań Albania Property Group zdecydowaliśmy. 100% pewny partner, 100% mega klimat, 100% świetna inwestycja. Oczywiście doszło do transakacji, oczywiście udanej. W 2018 roku, powiększyliśmy naszą Polsko Albańską komitywę. Pisać można dużo. Szczerze polecamy, bez cienia wątpliowości usługi Albania Property Group, oraz samą Albanię, jako pole do wypoczynku i pewnych inwestycji. Sławek i Bogumił

George Wei Gu - China ★★★★★

After an online search I encountered Albania Property Group. I received their answer immediately after my first request. It was a very good first impression, and after first Skype call I have decided to choose them for my apartment purchase. Ilir has been really helpful along the way and have showed his patience and professional understanding of the property market of Albania. I have been to Albania for 3 times now and have bought one apartment in Lura complex in Gjiri Lalzit, which I am very happy for. Thanks Ilir and his team for the help. I would definitely recommend anyone who wants to purchase property in Albania. We are more like friends than business partner now. I would encourage people to visit this beautiful country which has a lot to offer.

Sergey Nagorodnyuk - Canada ★★★★★

I contacted Albania Property Group few years ago to help me sell my apartments in which I had invested in Saranda city back in 2008. This real estate office did their best into this undertaking. During this time they were screening interested clients, organizing inspections in my apartments, maintaining them, as well as keeping me up to date all the time. Ilir Konomi and his Saranda team on the ground were very professional, providing excellent service 24/7. Special thanks to Arta and Eri in Saranda office. Both hardworking, and always there for me. I would recommend Albania Property Group to my friends. Thanks again. Sergey

Sarka - Czech Republic ★★★★★

Ilir Konomi helped us to arrange wonderfull vacation in Albania - Durres, after which we decided to buy a property here. Great experience with Ilir and his team, everything was handled in very professional manners and unbelievably quickly. We could rely on him with all necessary issues that had to be handled. We would definitely recommend Albania Property Group as a partner, no matter whether you are looking for holiday rental in Albania or buying a property as well. ............................................... Ilir Konomi nám pomohl zařídit skvělou dovolenou v Albánii - Durres, po které jsme se rozhodli pořídit si zde nemovitost. Spolupráce s Ilirem a jeho týmem byla skvělou zkušeností, vše pomohli zařídit velmi profesionálně a neuvěřitelně rychle. Mohli jsme se na něj plně spolehnout. Rozhodně bychom Albania Property Group doporučili, ať už hledáte pronájem nebo řešíte koupi.

Rainald and Anna - Germany ★★★★★

We rented an Appartment from Albania Property Group in August 2017 for 5 days in Lalzy Bay (Gjiry i Lalzit)/Durres and everything was fine and very well organized. The communication with Ilir Konomi, the manager, before and during our stay was very nice, helpful and every question was answered quick and precise. They organized us a taxi transfer from our Hotel in Tirana to the Apartment and as we needed a taxi to the airport they organized that as well. The apartment was very modern in a nice new built resort very close to the beach, very good value for money. We can recommend Albania Property Group to rent an apartment. When we come back to Albania we will again book an Apartment from Albania Property Group.

Catharina Svenson - Sweden ★★★★★

Our family visited Saranda, Albania for the first time in 2013. We directly liked it very much because of the stunning nature, stunning beaches with clear water, good food and hospitality. As we were there we discovered that the property prices was very low compered with other European countries. In 2016 we decided to explore the opportunity to buy a apartment in Saranda. We googled real estates and decided to contact Albania Property Group because of the good reviews. We got fast response, excellent service and information from the first contact with Ilir Konomi. We learnt that it is very easy to buy apartments in Albania with little and organised bureaucracy, We decided to go ahead with our dream and went to Saranda in September 2016. At place we met with Arta at Albania property group in Saranda. We got excellent service from her and she took us to look at several apartments before we decided. She was very patient with us, as we were not the easiest client because of our ambivalence. She took extremely lots of time to help us. The bureaucracy was very easy, and Arta organized everything with a local notarie. After coming home we got plenty of help to decorate and complete the apartment from the decorator Juna, who cooperate with Albania property group. The apartment is now for rent during the time we don't spend there. Albania Property group take care of everything about the holiday-rent and we actually don't have to do anything. We highly recommend Albania Property group. We also recommend to buy a apartment in Albania because you want get a apartment with sea-view, high quality construction for a little amount of money. It is the best investment we have ever done!

Fredrika Nyberg, Ingemar Teräs, Juha Hillebrant, Tiina Nyman - Finland ★★★★★

It started with a dream about a place in the sun...but in all other countries apartments this close to the sea had a "bad" price when you know the use will be max a month per year. Googling and reading info about Albania made us decide that we fly to Albania to find out more. We fell in love with the country and the friendly people. We told our friends about Albania - told them that it is time to revalue what you heard and knew about this small country. The result was that we bought together with 4 other families a nice flat, in a new house, only 10 meters from the beach - and all this arranged by Albania Property Group, Ilir Konomi, smoothly and safely. APG helped us professional throughout the whole buying process. If you are interested in buying a flat or property in Albania we recommend you start with contacting Ilir Konomi at Albania Property Group! .................................................. Vierailimme ensimmäisen kerran Albaniassa keväällä 2016. Selasimme nettiä ja löysimme paljon positiivista maasta ja usein päädyimme - aluksi vahingossa - kiinteistöjen myynti sivuille. Huomasimme, että aivan merenrannalta löytyy sopivan hintaisia asuntoja. Päätimme tutkia lisää ja lähdimme matkaan. Aloitimme Durresin kohteista, koska lentokenttä oli lähellä. Saimme järjestettyä tapaamisen Albania Property Groupin Ilirin kanssa. Ilir ymmärsi heti minkä tyyppistä ja tasoista asuntoa etsimme. Palvelu oli nopea, asuntoesittelyjä järjestettiin joustavasti. Meillä oli turvallinen olo Ilirin hoitaessa asioitamme. Koko henkilökunnan englanninkielentaito on hyvä. Emme ostaneet siltä reissulta mitään - lensimme kotiin miettimään asiaa. Ihastuimme kuitenkin maan kauneuteen, ihmisten ystävällisyyteen ja auttavaisuuteen, hyvään ruokaan jne. Kerroimme tuttaville kokemuksistamme ja yhtäkkiä olimmekin viiden perheen kimppa-asuntoa ostamassa! Teimme kaupat toukokuussa 2016. Asunnon sisäpinnat, wc ja keittiö olivat tekemättä. Istuimme yhden iltapäivän Albania Property Groupin suunnittelijan, Junan, kanssa suunnittelemassa ja valitsemassa materiaaleja. Loput asiat hoidimme sähköpostitse parin seuraavan kk:n aikana. Heinäkuun puolenvälin aikaan kävimme katsomassa miltä näyttää - hyvin oli rakentaminen ja sisustaminen toiminut etätyönä - asunto oli valmis! Olemme oikein tyytyväisiä ja suosittelemme muillekin Albania Property Groupin palveluita, kun olet hankkimassa asuntoa Albaniasta.

Kelly and Alex - England ★★★★★

We found Albania Property Group and indeed Ilir through our initial Google searches for ‘buying property in Albania’ we found the website easy to use and navigate through the types of property that were currently for sale. It also provided a wealth of information for those looking to invest in Albania and the process of buying a property with a very useful guide. One property stood out for us at the time we were looking so we made contact with Albania property group to make enquiries. We sent an email to Albania Property Group and Ilir Konomi the managing director was very quick to respond and let us know the property we were interested in was still for sale. Within a couple of weeks we had arranged to go and view the property, we met with Ilir and the property owner and everything was as described on the website. We spent a good few hours with them both and Ilir spent some time explaining the whole buying process to us including the legal aspect, which really helped. After some negotiations and us viewing some other property in different parts of Albania we made the decision to buy the first property we had seen. Ilir guided us through this process and kept us updated regularly with the progress of the sale. My husband and myself were very impressed with Ilir and his professionalism from the start and this did not change throughout the process, I can highly recommend Albania Property Group to anyone looking to buy or invest in property Albania. Since buying the property Ilir has also put us in touch with architects Iva and Gjergj whom we have been working with for the past few months to re design the house, we are also very happy with the service they have provided us and with their help we almost have detailed design plans to start the re build. Ilir is very knowledgeable and passionate about Albania and by far the best estate agent in this region, he speaks perfect English has some great contacts and can provide a rental service if you decide to invest – you will not be disappointed.

Martin Hršel - Czech Republic ★★★★★

While looking in google for apartment in Albania coast, I found Albania Property Group together with other Albanian real estate companies . The immediate answer I got only from Mr Ilir Konomi, director of Albania Property Group. In very short time we spoke via Skype about details to clarify our wishes. We choose one apartment in Radhime and I decided to go there to finish all necessary formalities in Albania. It was a bit complicated to reach Tirana from Abu Dhabi (my recent work place) but Ilir was extremely helpful; pick up me on Airport, manage meeting with developer, notary, bank and all papers were done in few hours. HIGHLY PROFESSIONAL! Next day he drove me personal 2 hours far from Tirana to see the apartment which is still under construction. I spent wonderful first time in Albania and Ilir Konomi and his team made me feel to be with close friends. I'm very looking forward to meet this guy again and his team as well. We have a lot to do before everything will be finished and I'm not afraid to leave everything in hands of Albania Property Group. I found the country and the people very friendly, with beautiful nature, excellent tasty & healthy in variety of Albanian food and in developing mode. Everywhere construction of new houses, new roads, infrastructure... Wish good luck in building modern society and can't wait to visit my new friends... I highly recommend Albania Property Group when you're looking for any service as buying or renting property or you just want to spent some time in pleasant place on Albania's riviera.